2018 Pr St Machita is awarded Elite Status by the Oldenburg Verband on the basis of her exceptional offspring! |
Both of her daughters St Pr St Magnifique OLD and St Pr St Mystique OLD by Ampere, were not only awarded the State Premium title and received a perfect 10 for their cantersbut were also both invited to the Elite mare show at Rastede. There both of them were Oldenburger Landesturnier Reserve Champions and selected to represent the Oldenburger Verband at the Bundeschampionate.. They have both been honoured with the OLD suffix which is only awarded to the best Oldenburg bred horses which will promote the breed at high profile dressage competitions world wide!
I have been following the horses bred by one exceptional breeder from one extraordinary mare family. That breeder is Herr Sieverding in Germany.
His phenomenal mare family has produced more Champions and Premium mares than any other in Modern Oldenburg History. They produced not only the 2007 Oldenburg Licensing Champion Sieger Hit, but also the 2008 Oldenburg Licensing Champion Fürstenball (who sold as a foal for 110,000 euros as a foal!) and in 2009 the second Reserve Champion Hot Spot owned by Blue Hors stud as well as 2 other graded stallions! To breed a licensed stallion is a huge achievement but to breed one Champion after another is truly extraordinary. And it is not only the colts who do so well from this family, there are countless Premium mares, many of whom are also Elite and go onto produce Premium daughters.
Pr. St. Machita's grand dam, St.Pr.El Mon Dieu has descended from a dam line of immense success. No less than 10 State Premium mares have been produced from great grandmother Mon Amour. Amongst these is Maradonna ( by Donnerhall ) who was the highest placed 4yo in the German mare Championships, and is the mother of the amazing Fürstenball!
Sire - Samarant
Samarant was Hanoverian Reserve Champion at the World Young Horse Championships in Verden and winner of the local championships for Young Horses in Nienburg as well as successful finalist at the German Championships for Young Horses in Warendorf. Attractive, dynamic Sandro Hit son with three excellent gaits, the quality of which were confirmed at his stallion performance test where he was awarded top scores. His desirable dam, Bellvue, by Brentano II is a beautiful type, one of the most prominent state premium mares from the Hanoverian breed. She has won her class at the Mare Show four times in a row. This model pedigree is excellently completed by the English thoroughbred lineage with the thoroughbred “Andrang xx”. The thoroughbred mare, Wise Girl xx, produced the national stud stallion “Wild Life” by Warkant. Samarant is a brilliant combination of the reliable Sandro Hit bloodline and Bellvue’s noble, producer-proven mare lineage. Sandro Hit is already writing sporting and breeding history. His progeny are breaking all price-records, winning championships and his first offspring are already successful at World Cup level. In 1999 he was the Six Year Old Dressage Horse World Champion and winner at the German Federal Championships in Warendorf. Best Young Stallion of 2000 is just one of the titles he won that year. As many as 10 licensed sons came out of his first foal crop, and his daughter, Poetin who became World Champion and Bundeschampion for 2003 and has been described as ...' one of the most beautiful and talented dressage horses of this decade' ... sold for a World Record price of € 2,500,000 at auction in 2003. In 2001, five of the top 10 foals in Germany were by Sandro Hit. In 2001 he sired the Federal Champion and two Vice Champions. For years his offspring have been winning medals at the National Young Horse Championships, for example Show Star, National Young Horse Champion 2001 and Vice-Champion 2002. In 2002, he produced two Champion stallions, Sir Wilson and Stedinger.
Dam Sire Florestan
Florestan sports a sire line of world importance, that of Furioso II. Florestan has produced over 50 stallion sons and over 40 State Premium mares. Florestan is recognized within the breed as a sire who can be relied upon for superior heritability. He produces outstanding basic paces, a beautiful head and lovely temperament. Florestan I has a superb dressage breeding index of 166. He was the Champion of the 1988 Rhineland approval. His dam, Raute, is a proven show mare in the Rhineland area. At the age of 3 she was Champion mare of her age group. In 1983 she won her class at the German Mare show in Verden, and in 1986 she was Champion junior mare at the federal show in Aix-la-Chapelle.
Foals to date
2011 – Larkshill Mirella - Chestnut filly by Rohdiamant
......................... Oldenburg Premium Foal
2013 – Larkshill Maestro - Dark Bay colt by MétallM
2014 – St Pr St Larkshill Magnifique OLD - Black Filly by Ampere
......................... Oldenburg Premium Foal
......................... Oldenburg State Premium & Rastede mare
..........................Reserve Champion Oldenburger Championships
2015 – Larkshill Mystique - Black Filly by Amperee...
..................xx.... Oldenburg Premium Foal ...
2016 – Larkshill Amorous - Black Colt by Ampere
.................. xx....Oldenburg Premium Foal