August 2020
Superpower is awarded a foal Premium by the Oldenburg Verband!! |
Sire Secret
2019 Vice World Champion Secret had an amazing start to his career. Already Vice Bundeschampion Secret did especially well in the qualifier and the finals for 3-year-old stallions at the Bundeschampion in Warendorf. He placed first in the Qualifier with a 9.00 and second in the Finals with a 9 for trot, walk and training, a 10 for canter, and 8.50 for confirmation. The test rider awarded a 17 giving Secret a 62.50 overall. With the highest dressage final score of 9.5, Secret successfully completed his 14-day test.
– Secret received in Schlieckau ; gallop 10.0, trot 9.5 and was rated in rideability by both the judges and the foreign rider with the highest score of 10.00.
Secret is a son of triple World Champion of Young Dressage Horses, Sezuan. Sezuan was also a champion at five, six and seven years old. During these competitions, he received scores of 9.5 and 10.0. Sezuan was champion of his stallion test and received the high score of 10.0 ten times, a new record. From Sezuan's first crops Secret and Sam in Berlin have been licensed.
Secret's damline has produced a number of international performance horses such as Liebenberg and Top Gun, successful in Italy. Thirty eight approved stallions descend from this damline, including Aktuell, Christ, Sorento, Weltruf and Wildfang. Dam, Seline, is sired by St. Moritz, who in a short breeding career has sired many important sport and breeding successors. The third dam is sired by Rotspon and includes Argentan, Woermann and Lugano in her pedigree.
Other standouts from this mareline include our very own World Champion -Lordswood Dancing Diamond! (owned in partnership with Lordswood Dressage).
Dam Faye
Faye is a spectacular mare who has inherited her sire Apache’s amazing elasticity. She is an extravagant mover with powerful ground covering movement and an exceptional canter. Combined with her kind sweet nature and movie star looks she captures your eye wherever she is.
Apache represents the best of modern KWPN breeding. He started his career by becoming the Reserve Champion of the KWPN Stallion Show and has gone to win at almost every level of the stallion competitions. He debuted at Grand Prix as a nine year old, recently scoring 78.73% in the VHO Trophy Grand Prix Kur! His success as a sport horse was almost guaranteed by his pedigree, which contains eight Grand Prix horses in the first five generations. His sire, UB-40, himself third place in the Championship Ring of the KWPN Stallion Show, has proven to be such a good producer of keuring and sport horses that his offspring are highly sought after by Dutch breeders, and stallion holders in Holland have made repeated advances to bring UB-40 back to Holland. UB-40 is by the Grand Prix and keur stallion, Olivi, who is by none other than the world famous dressage competitor and producer, Jazz, and out of the very famous Utopia mare line. Olivi’s dam is the elite, preferent, and prestatie mare, Halla Utopia, who is by the popular, grey Grand Prix stallion Aktion. UB-40’s dam is the keur, preferent, prestatie, sport mare, Kilucienne, a daughter of the influential Trakehner stallion, Michelangelo, and out of a keur, preferent, prestatie daughter of the KWPN foundation sire, Farn.
Apache’s dam is the elite, preferent mare, Tolanda. She is a daughter of the flamboyant Grand Prix competitor, Krack C, and out of a ster, preferent daughter of the long-time FEI competitor, Inspekteur. This mare line has produced multiple top sport and breeding horses. As a sire, Apache received one of the best foal reports of his year and has produced multiple foal champions. In 2016, he sired the most sons selected for the KWPN Stallion Show and had four sons make the final cut to go on to the performance test, including a son selected for the Championship Ring. Judges consistently award Apache a 10 for his trot and use of his hind leg and he consistently passes on this electric movement to his offspring. Apache is clearly an up and coming Grand Prix super star and a sire of importance.
Florestan sports a sire line of world importance, that of Furioso II. Florestan has produced over 50 stallion sons and over 40 State Premium mares. Florestan is recognized within the breed as a sire who can be relied upon for superior heritability. He produces outstanding basic paces, a beautiful head and lovely temperament. Florestan I has a superb dressage breeding index of 166. He was the Champion of the 1988 Rhineland approval. His dam, Raute, is a proven show mare in the Rhineland area. At the age of 3 she was Champion mare of her age group. In 1983 she won her class at the German Mare show in Verden, and in 1986 she was Champion junior mare at the federal show in Aix-la-Chapelle.
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