2nd May 2003 - Oldenburg

Larkshill Stud
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Aika is an outstanding daughter of the World Champion Stallion Fürst Heinrich. This exquisite young mare has breathtaking loose uphill paces - she just exudes quality! She has World Class dressage breeding combining the legendary Rubinstein with the equally amazing Florestan.

Her first foal by Dr Doolittle was awarded a Premium by the Oldenburg Verband and has been sold to Australia as a stallion prospect. Her second foal is an exquisite filly by De Niro who received a Higher First Premium award at the BEF Futurity. Back in foal to De Niro for 2011.

Aika has a perfect pedigree for breeding dressage performance horses. With emphasis on elegance and opulent movements, this mare has wonderful feminine charm and importantly the sweetest of temperaments. We would like to thank her breeder in Germany Dieter Meyl for allowing us bring this exceptional mare to England.

Fürst Heinrich
Her sire Fürst Heinrich was crowned World Dressage Champion as a five year old in 2003. With an above average breeding index of 160 points he is ranked as one of the leading dressage sires in the German Federation’s breeding evaluation.  He was a truly significant sire on the basis of his own performance record and off-spring. He was the winner of the 30 day test in Münster Handorf 2001 with the best scores in both dressage and jumping.  

Fürst Heinrich was the undisputed champion in the four year old stallions competing for the Main Premium at the Oldenburg Stallion days in 2002. In 2004 his first young sons appeared at approvals and made a sensational debut never seen before, in Vechta he presented not only the Champion but also the Reserve Champion stallion at the Oldenburg approval. In Münster-Handorf, Fürst Grandioso became the 1st Reserve Champion and Fürst Romadour a Premium stallion. With over 20 licensed sons, he more than proved his exceptional hereditary powers.  

The name Rubinstein is synonymous for his outstanding dressage hereditability and with elegant horses with high rideability. This is truly a stallion of the Century. A stallion like Rubinstein, who in 2000 at 14 years old died far too young, was during his lifetime a living legend. With 40 wins at Grand Prix level, a member of the 1996 Olympic team, he truly shined in the sport. He had in his short breeding career produced 66 licensed sons many of whom are influential breeding stallions. Rubinstein also sired 89 State Premium mares, auction stars and Grand Prix winners.

Top of Class
He was the Champion Stallion of the Oldenburg licensing and Reserve Champion of the "Hauptpraemiensieger Stallion” in 1989. His dam St.Pr. St. Weissine lll is out of the most decorated and famous performance horse line of Oldenburg. Licensing winner Triumphator (sold at the PSI auction for 400'000 DM ) and the Stallion Vivaldi which competed at the Olympics (for Canada) are two examples out of this very successful performance horse pedigree.

Foals to date

2008 – Larkshill Desert Storm - Black colt by Dr Doolittle
..........................Oldenburg Premium Foal
..........................Stallion Prospect
- Sold to Australia
..........................Licensed as a Stallion with the Australian Warmblood Horse Association

2010 - Larkshill Affinity - Black filly by De Niro
..........................BEF Higher First Premium


Fürst Heinrich


St.Pr.St Raute
St.Pr.St. Wibke
Top of Class

............................... ................ ...................... ....Sire: Fürst Heinrich ..............Aika.............Aika as a foal .....................